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Gettin Wild

Updated: Jul 15, 2019

Wild Raspberry Mania!

I have been picking these little red gems for as long as I can remember with my dad. Now, I am picking them by the bowl fulls almost daily (because some days are just too busy) all month in July. They're tart, and sweet. Packed full of fiber and believe it or not, PROTEIN. In our primal human state it's believed that we were NEVER intended to consume grains as our source of carbohydrates. Our carbs should be sourced from sweeter vegetables like peppers and tomatoes, and minimal fruits like berries when in season. From research far and wide, like Dr. ______________________ in her book Primal Body, Primal Mind, she explains that our primates only consumed fruit when it was in season and they only consumed the tart varieties much like the wild raspberries that grow in abundance here in West Virginia.

My one year old, Jaxx, can devour a serious load of these berries! But, if I were to present him with a pineapple wedge... nop... too sweet.

If you find a patch of these berries GO WILD and stock up! We absolutely love to have them for breakfast in a bowl of almond milk or in plain yogurt with a drizzle of honey.

When my husband and I were newly dating he presented me with what he called, "Homemade Wineberry Wine". To my palate of "Pino Noir" and "Moscato" this was a serious tastebud shock! It had a tang! It most certainly could have been some other wine making ingredients that caused the tang, but to say the least it was certainly something new and interesting. I was blown away when he explained that wineberries grow wild and practically overrun the fields surrounding his home. It was just another check in my book to confirm he was the one for me (not because of the wine, but the berries). Not many people I know have a love for these little berries like I do. It touched a warm spot on my heart.

NOW, BE ADVISED! You'd better dress in pants, closed toed shoes and long sleeves! The bushes are prickly and I'm sure they provide great homes for other wildlife, like snakes and spiders! 😲 Never mind the fact that the bushes are sometimes surrounded by poison ivy! 🙅🏼‍♀️YIKES! Poison Ivy and I DO NOT GET ALONG!

Don't let me scare you away. Go for it! Get a big bowl and go picking! Create memories, burn calories, stock your freezer with healthy homegrown amazingness and be proud of yourself when you get home with your findings! Though Im not a fan of processed flour and sugar it's super hard to resist a cobbler! I stumbled on this beautiful website and recipe, Check it out! If we ever have enough berries left over after picking I just may recreate this little bit of Almost Heaven

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